Top 7 SEO Trends to Look Forward to in 2019
December 7, 2018
Creating Effective Ad Copy: A Guide to Creating the Best PPC Advertising
February 19, 2019Did you realize that nearly 40 percent of Internet users say they stop interacting with a website if the layout strikes them as unattractive? When having your website designed, the main thing you need to consider is how it will appeal to your audience.
While using SEO to drive traffic to your website is important, you need to make sure that consumers have something great to look at when they arrive. Following the latest web design trends is essential if you want to keep your existing site appealing.
Some business owners think a website is something they can just set and forget, but this is not the case at all. In reality, a website will need to be constantly updated to maintain its appeal and functionality.
The following are just some of the web design trends you need to be looking out for in 2019.
1. Mobile Users are Demanding Responsive Website Designs
There are tons of consumers that use their mobile device to access websites and online content. Often times, using these devices is a matter of convenience. Making sure your website is responsive can help you greatly when trying to turn visitors using mobile devices into customers.
Failing to provide mobile users with a responsive site will make it difficult for them to view the content on your pages. There are over 237 million people who use their phone to access the Internet each year.
Neglecting these users by failing to offer a responsive design can lead to you missing out on a lot of potential sales opportunities.
2. Chatbots are One of the Web Design Trends You Need to Follow
Providing consumers with information about the products and services you offer is essential. When a person is visiting your website for the first time, they will be seeking answers about what is being offered.
If these visits happen outside of normal business hours, you will need to find a way to still serve the consumer. The best way to do this is by using chatbots.
This AI-infused technology allows you to engage with consumers regardless of what time it is. These chatbots can be programmed to answer common questions about your company with ease.
3. Bring Your Website to Life With Simple Animations
Nothing annoys the modern consumer like visiting a website with tons of videos set on autoplay. If a person is looking at this website late at night or while they are at work, the last thing they want is to be scared half to death by sudden noise from a video.
Are you looking for a way to breathe new life into your website without the use of video? If so, using simple animations can be extremely effective.
Many popular websites are starting to use working animations in the background of their pages. Not only will these animations catch the eye of a visitor, it can also provide them with useful information. Instead of having a boring static website, ramp up the personality your domain has with these animations.
4. Provide the Audience With Micro-Interactions
You can take the animations you add to your website one step further by offering consumes micro-interactions. In short, a micro interaction is a customized animation that only occurs when users take certain actions. Things like a changing mouse cursor or an animated sequence that pops up when users scroll down can be extremely entertaining.
Putting website visitors in the driver’s seat with these micro-interactions can create a very positive experience. Personalizing each user’s experience with these micro-interactions can help you lower bounce rates and increase sales conversions.
5. Visitors are Looking For Social Proof
Modern consumers generally do a great deal of research before using a particular company. When consumers visit your company’s website, you need to make them feel at ease and like they can trust you. One of the best ways to do this is by providing them with social proof.
Basically, social proof is a method used to convince potential customers of your legitimacy by showing them your past interactions with other consumers. Social proof can come in the form of testimonials on your home page or via comments on social media platforms like Facebook.
Most business owners choose to provide social proof by prominently displaying positive customer testimonials on their homepage.
6. Make a Statement With Bold Typography
One of the first things a person will notice about a website is the size and style of the font being used. In years past, web designers were apprehensive about using larger fonts due to how much space they would take up. However, modern websites are starting to use big and bold typography to make a statement.
Often times, web designers will use this sizeable typography to let the visitor know the main purpose of the page. Informing the reader about what the page is about can help them decide if they want to continue exploring it.
If you are unsure about what type of language to use in the header portion of your website, reaching out to a content marketing professional is probably a good idea.
7. Eye-Catching Infographics are a Must
Providing visitors to your website with helpful industry-specific information is a good idea. Using infographics is one of the best ways to provide this information in an easy to digest way.
When designing these infographics, be sure to focus heavily on the fonts and colors being used. Ideally, you want to produce infographics that are easily incorporated into your existing web design. Consistently updating the information in these types of graphics will keep them relevant and interesting for readers.
Hiring Web Design Professionals to Help
With all of the different web design trends on the market, keeping up with them all can be difficult. Instead of trying to upgrade your business website, you need to hire professionals to assist you.
Are you looking for ways to make your website more appealing to consumers and search engines? If so, contact us now to find out more about how we can help.